#1 Reason Why I LOVE Teaching Art!
I LOVE to inspire YOU to create!
I dare you to set aside time, in this busy, fast-paced, technological world, to get quiet so you can access your creative genius and make the world a better place!
A couple of weeks ago, I received a testimonial email from a student that made me so happy. Check it out!
“I was always intrigued by mandalas so for my 38th birthday I contracted Gina to lead a workshop at my home. Me and four friends were guided on a transformational process where we developed a connection with powerful and creatives aspects within us. Gina, and the mandala itself, was the impetus for many real life changes. Several months later I met my future husband and in October 2013 we gave birth to a beautiful flower – our daughter, Angelina. I have made over 12 mandalas in the last 2.5 years since Gina’s workshop. Each one represents a different aspect of my life. Creating mandalas has become something like abstract meditation to me, drawing on wells of divine wisdom in areas such as communication, partnerships, and service. I feel more empowered. I have more joy. Gina is an enthusiastic lover of mandalas and, as such, is a tremendous spiritual resource to our community. Thank you Gina!”
Check out some of the mandalas that Karie has created since her workshop!
Personalized Mandala Birthday Party WorkshopJune 2012
San Ramon, CA
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